The 13th AGM of The Communication Regulators’ Association of Southern Africa CRASA was held from 11- 13 April 2024 at the Royal Villas Hotel in Ezulwini, Kingdom of Eswatini. The AGM was be hosted by the Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCOM).
Dr. Bengt Mölleryd on the podium during the Annual General Meeting. Photo courtesy of iPRIS.
CRASA organised a pre-AGM conference from the 8th to 10th of April 2024, themed “Innovation for Better Regulation”, which will also be hosted at the same venue. During the conference, Bengt Möllerydfrom SPIDER delivered a keynote presentation on the barriers to technological innovation.
(CRASA) is a forum for information and communications technologies (ICT) and postal regulators in Southern Africa. CRASA is a specialised agency of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and was set up in 1997 within the framework of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Transport, Communications and Meteorology (1995). CRASA consists of four institutions: the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Executive Committee (EC), the Specialized Committees, and the Secretariat. The RRO has 14 ICT and postal regulators from the SADC Region who are members of CRASA.
The Innovation for Better Regulation Conference
Over the years, the regulation landscape has undergone significant changes, influenced by technological advances, shifts in consumer demands and expectations, and evolving business models. To keep pace with this dynamic environment, CRASA Members must embrace innovation to enhance regulatory effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability as regulators of the electronic communications and postal sectors.
Enhancing innovation in executing regulatory mandates is imperative in our increasingly digital and interconnected world. The Innovation for Better Regulation Conference will, therefore, tackle the following pertinent questions through interactive presentations, panels and roundtable discussions moderated by subject-matter experts from all over the world:
The Provisional Conference programme can be accessed on the link:
Borgarfjordsgatan 12, Kista,SWEDEN
Postal Address: Stockholm University, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences/DSV, SPIDER, P.O Box 1073, SE-164 25 Kista, Sweden
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