We are excited to share the first iPRIS newsletter!

May 6, 2024 | Uncategorized

Greetings, colleagues and partners

We’re happy to unveil the first edition of the ICT Policy & Regulation – Institutional Strengthening (iPRIS) quarterly newsletter!

This newsletter will share updates and insights as the iPRIS project unfolds its transformative mission.

iPRIS aims to bridge the digital divide by boosting the capacities of African telecommunications regulatory authorities through peer-to-peer learning, in partnership with European counterparts. Designed as a dynamic capacity-building initiative, iPRIS is poised to revolutionise the landscape of National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and Regional Regulatory Organisations (RROs) across 43 African countries in the period 2023-2028.

The iPRIS project is implemented by SPIDER (the Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions), The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), and the Luxembourg Regulatory Institute (ILR). iPRIS is funded by the European Union, Sweden, and Luxembourg as part of the Team Europe Initiative “D4D for Digital Economy and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa” (Code: 001).

iPRIS is dedicated to bolstering the capabilities and efficacy of ICT regulatory bodies. Through targeted interventions and peer-to-peer partnerships, iPRIS endeavours to foster an environment conducive to sustainable ICT growth and development.

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey, united in our commitment to bridge the digital divide in Africa!

Warm regards,

Dr. Caroline Wamala Larsson

Director, SPIDER

Read the newsletter  on LinkedIn here 



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