We are excited to welcome the fourth iPRIS cohort, 2024C! From November 10–27, regulatory experts from Liberia, Ghana, and Zimbabwe will dive into an intensive 2.5-week training, connecting, learning, and growing together for a stronger telecom future in Africa.
The 2024C group of participants will be the fourth cohort to participate in the iPRIS project after the first Francophone group participated in their first peer-to-peer training in Luxembourg. The French cohort was preceded by two English-speaking cohorts and a French-speaking cohort. The first iPRIS cohort 2023A, comprising regulators from Nigeria, Kenya, Namibia, Eswatini, South Sudan, Zambia, and Sierra Leone are set to complete their iPRIS cycle this year.

Telecom experts from The Gambia and Dr Bengt Mölleryd from SPIDER reviewing the change initiative project plan during the iPRIS peer-to-peer session in Dar es Salaam in September 2024.
The 2024C of this year's cohort will meet for one week after four months in one of the African countries represented in their group for the Africa phase. This week-long meeting will provide a platform for participants to review the progress of their change initiatives, share results, and engage in discussions to enhance their change initiatives further. One year after the round begins (Nov 2025), the efficacy and progress of the change initiatives implemented by the participating NRAs will be evaluated in partnership with the participating African and European telecom experts.